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Can social concern theory explain quarantine-related misbehavior during the COVID-19 pandemic? An inquiry in the urban context of Iran
Why adolescents conform to high-status peers : associations among conformity, identity alignment, and self-esteem
Evaluating the sensitivity to threat and affiliative reward (STAR) model in relation to the development of conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits across early adolescence
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- open access
Safety first! Residential group climate and antisocial behavior : a multilevel meta-analysis
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The prognostic usefulness of multiple specifiers for subtyping conduct problems in early childhood
Good-enough care? How patients’ perceptions of counselors’ professional skills relate to everyday life in forensic long-stay units
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Development of a measure of anti-rape attitudes as a potential protective factor against rape perpetration
Protective factors in forensic practice : the added value of the SAPROF-extended version pilot in relation to aggressive incidents
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- open access
Exploring sociodemographic and mental health differences among constructed male victim severity profiles
The links of stress, substance use and socio-demographic factors with domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal