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Do French speakers have an advantage in learning English vocabulary thanks to familiar suffixes?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
L2 vocabulary learning in a mixed-proficiency community-engaged program : designing vocabulary instruction for college students
Growth trajectories of joint attention and play as predictors for language in young children at elevated likelihood for autism
The effect of irrelevant pairings on evaluative responses
Vocabulary of reading materials in English and French L2 textbooks : a cross-lingual corpus study
Exploring the impact of audio self-modelling on Chinese as a foreign language students' tone pronunciation skill, self-efficacy, and motivation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The Children and Young People's Books Lexicon (CYP-LEX) : a large-scale lexical database of books read by children and young people in the United Kingdom
Assessing receptive skills in an adult L2 learner population with diverse educational backgrounds
- Book Chapter
- open access
Flemish speech development
Semantic gender : norms for 24,000 Dutch words and its role in word meaning