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CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeting of BPV-1-transformed primary equine sarcoid fibroblasts
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Foundation of the Belgian Society for Viruses of Microbes and meeting report of its inaugural symposium
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Follow-up of PRRSv-vaccinated piglets born from PRRSv-vaccinated, ELISA-seropositive and ELISA-seronegative sows
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Phage tailspike modularity and horizontal gene transfer reveals specificity towards E. coli O-antigen serogroups
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Epidemiology of influenza over a ten-year period in Belgium : overview of the historical and current evidence
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Successful whole genome nanopore sequencing of swine influenza a virus (swIAV) directly from oral fluids collected in Polish pig herds
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The papain-like protease of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus impedes STING translocation from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus by deubiquitinating STIM1
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Development of immortalized feline respiratory epithelial cells in an air-liquid-interface culture system for feline herpesvirus-1 study
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Identification and profiling of a novel Bombyx mori latent virus variant acutely infecting Helicoverpa armigera and Trichoplusia ni
- Journal Article
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Intra‐ and interlaboratory reproducibility of the RIATOL qPCR HPV genotyping assay