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Turning points toward drug addiction recovery : contextualizing underlying dynamics of change
Capturing recovery capital : using photovoice to unravel recovery and desistance
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Global fertility chains : an integrative political economy approach to understanding the reproductive bioeconomy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Inequality in volunteering : building a new research front
Toward a refined insight into the importance of volunteers’ motivations for need-based experiences, job satisfaction, work effort, and turnover intentions in nonprofit sports clubs : a person-centered approach
Exploring participatory management in social enterprise practice : evidence from Chile
Autonomy and dying : notes about decision-making and 'completed life' euthanasia in the Netherlands
Volunteers managing volunteers : the role of volunteer board members’ motivating and demotivating style in relation to volunteers’ motives to stay volunteer
Police procedural justice and adolescents’ internalization of the law : integrating self‐determination theory into legal socialization research
Stakeholder knowledge and behavioral integration in boards of social enterprises : a team production approach