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Common incidental findings on sacroiliac joint MRI : added value of MRI-based synthetic CT
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Radiologic and histologic correlates of early interstitial lung changes in explanted lungs
Strain-volume loops and cardiac function
Calibration and time fading characterization of a new optically stimulated luminescence film dosimeter
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MRI texture analysis of T2-weighted images is preferred over magnetization transfer imaging for readily longitudinal quantification of gut fibrosis
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Walk-through flat panel total-body PET : a patient-centered design for high throughput imaging at lower cost using DOI-capable high-resolution monolithic detectors
- Journal Article
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Monte Carlo simulation of the system performance of a long axial field-of-view PET based on monolithic LYSO detectors
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Effect of detector geometry and surface finish on Cerenkov based time estimation in monolithic BGO detectors
- Journal Article
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Radiotherapy-specific quality indicators at national level : how to make it happen
- Journal Article
- A1
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Improved magnetic drug targeting with maximized magnetic forces and limited particle spreading