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Filling every gap: real estate development in Beirut
Process mining: get your processes out of the black box
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
13th CIGAR biennial conference-Ghent-summary
Gouvernance sans gouvernmenet? Le rôle de l'État Congolais dans la gouvernance urbaine semi-autonome: état des lieux et réflexcions sur l'avenir
The role of a homogeneous staff culture in the formation of collegial trust
(2010) -
GAMens: Applies GAMens, GAMrsm and GAMbag ensemble classifiers. R Package version 1.11.
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Weak power, great influence: small states in EU foreign policy. The case of Belgium and Greece.
(2010) -
From Counter-Strike to Counter-Statement: Using Burke’s Pentad as a Tool for Reflecting on Video Games
(2010) -
Inventaris van de samenwerkingsverbanden in de regio zuid West-Vlaanderen
(2010) -
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Stress en copinggedrag bij familieleden van personen die middelen gebruiken