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Spectrum-aware neural vocoder based on self-supervised learning for speech enhancement
Directed graph analysis on theta-gamma phase-amplitude coupling : insights into Parkinson disease EEG data
- Conference Paper
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- open access
Unfolding ADMM for enhanced subspace clustering of hyperspectral images
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Detecting translocation of DNA nanostructures through nanopores : first steps towards structural barcode readout
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Underdetermined blind identification via k-sparse component analysis : RANSAC-driven orthogonal subspace search
- Conference Paper
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Model-aware deep learning for the clustering of hyperspectral images with context preservation
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Counterfactual functional connectomes for neurological classifier selection
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Exact and heuristic methods for simultaneous sparse coding
Leaf segmentation and parallel phenotyping for the analysis of gene networks in plants
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Tracking multiple objects using intensity-GVF snakes