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Combining isotopic and elemental tracers for enhanced sediment source partitioning in complex catchments
Evaluating ensemble learning in developing pedotransfer functions to predict soil hydraulic properties
The added value of CoreVESS score and penetration resistance in predicting the soil-water retention curve
Comparing the use of all data or specific subsets for training machine learning models in hydrology : a case study of evapotranspiration prediction
Modeling the effects of improved irrigation methods in a groundwater system : a case study from the Amu Darya Delta, Uzbekistan
Evaluating surface soil moisture characteristics and the performance of remote sensing and analytical products in Central Asia
Organization of the soil profile controls the risks of runoff in the humid Ethiopian Highlands
Trends and spatial variations of rain-on-snow events over the high Mountain Asia
Integrated modeling to assess the impact of climate change on the groundwater and surface water in the South Aral Sea area
Comparing visible-near-infrared spectroscopy with classical regression pedotransfer functions for predicting near-saturated and saturated hydraulic conductivity of calcareous soils