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Graphene-based silicon photonic electro-absorption modulators and phase modulators
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Integration of edge-emitting quantum dot lasers with different waveguide platforms using micro-transfer printing
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Wafer-scale hybrid integration of InP DFB lasers on Si photonics by flip-chip bonding with sub-300nm alignment precision
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UV photonic-integrated-circuits-based structured illumination microscopy with a field of view larger than 100 μm2
Programmable tanh-, ELU-, sigmoid-, and Sin-based nonlinear activation functions for neuromorphic photonics
Improving the classification accuracy in label-free flow cytometry using event-based vision and simple logistic regression
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Micro-transfer printing for heterogeneous Si photonic integrated circuits
Editorial: Introduction to JSTQE special issue on photonic electronic co-integration and advanced transfer printing
Demonstration of a high-efficiency short-cavity III-V-on-Si C-band DFB laser diode
Optical versus RF free-space signal transmission : a comparison of optical and RF receivers based on noise equivalent power and signal-to-noise ratio