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Adaptive divergence in shell morphology in an ongoing gastropod radiation from Lake Malawi
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Identification and assessment of variable single-copy orthologous (SCO) nuclear loci for low-level phylogenomics : a case study in the genus Rosa (Rosaceae)
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Population admixture can enhance establishment success of the introduced biological control agent Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
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Distinct genetic differentiation and species diversification within two marine nematodes with different habitat preference in Antarctic sediments
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Low genetic but high morphological variation over more than 1000 km coastline refutes omnipresence of cryptic diversity in marine nematodes
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Population genetic structure in Sabatieria (Nematoda) reveals intermediary gene flow and admixture between distant cold seeps from the Mediterranean Sea
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Molecular evolution of candidate male reproductive genes in the brown algal model Ectocarpus
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Merging scleractinian genera : the overwhelming genetic similarity between solitary Desmophyllum and colonial Lophelia
Do well-integrated species of an inquiline community have a lower brood predation tendency? : a test using red wood ant myrmecophiles
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- A1
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Larval nutrition-induced plasticity affects reproduction and gene expression of the ladybeetle, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri