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Serratus anterior or pectoralis minor : which muscle has the upper hand during protraction exercises?
Modifying the shoulder joint position during shrugging and retraction exercises alters the activation of the medial scapular muscles
Subjective and clinical assessment criteria suggestive for five clinical patterns discernible in nonspecific neck pain patients : a Delphi-survey of clinical experts
Scapulothoracic muscle activity during elevation exercises measured with surface and fine wire EMG : a comparative study between patients with subacromial impingement syndrome and healthy controls
Relationship between extrinsic factors and the acromio-humeral distance
Instruction and feedback for conscious contraction of the abdominal muscles increases the scapular muscles activation during shoulder exercises
Risks in teaching manipulation techniques in master programmes
Kinesiophobia and maladaptive coping strategies prevent improvements in pain catastrophizing following pain neuroscience education in fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome : pooled results from 2 randomized controlled trials
(2016) Abstracts from IFOMPT 2016 conference, 4-8 July 2016, Glasgow, UK. In MANUAL THERAPY 25. p.e135-e136 -
Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? : a systematic review
Balancing 'hands-on' with 'hands-off' physical therapy interventions for the treatment of central sensitization pain in osteoarthritis