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Neutral processes underlying the macro eco-evolutionary dynamics of mixed-ploidy systems
Divergent population responses following salamander mass mortalities and declines driven by the emerging pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans
- Journal Article
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- open access
Liver transcriptomic and methylomic analyses identify transcriptional mitogen-activated protein kinase regulation in facultative hibernation of Syrian hamster
Fungal ectoparasites increase winter mortality of ladybird hosts despite limited effects on their immune system
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Occupancy winners in tropical protected forests : a pantropical analysis
Investment in chemical signalling glands facilitates the evolution of sociality in lizards
- Journal Article
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- open access
Phylogenetic clustering and rarity imply risk of local species extinction in prospective deep-sea mining areas of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
Diet contributes to urban-induced alterations in gut microbiota : experimental evidence from a wild passerine
Habitat fragmentation shapes natal dispersal and sociality in an Afrotropical cooperative breeder
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Transient local adaptation and source-sink dynamics in experimental populations experiencing spatially heterogeneous environments