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A new workflow to incorporate prior information in minimum gradient support (MGS) inversion of electrical resistivity and induced polarization data
Improving the accuracy of 1D surface nuclear magnetic resonance surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration
Validating land-based FDEM data and derived conductivity maps : assessment of signal calibration, signal attenuation and the impact of heterogeneity
Low signal-to-noise FDEM in-phase data : practical potential for magnetic susceptibility modelling
Predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity in a sandy grassland using proximally sensed apparent electrical conductivity
Identifying and removing micro-drift in ground-based electromagnetic induction data
Integrating EMI and GPR data to enhance the three-dimensional reconstruction of a circular ditch system
Frequency domain electromagnetic induction survey in the intertidal zone: limitations of low-induction-number and depth of exploration
An efficient calibration procedure for correction of drift in EMI survey data
Comparison between electromagnetic induction and fluxgate gradiometer measurements on the buried remains of a 17th century castle