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Fresh as a daisy : within-person associations between sleep, vitality, and self- and other-rated job performance
The cross-level moderating effect of team task support on the nonlinear relationship between proactive personality and employee reflective learning
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Cognitive foundations of impartial punitive decision making in organizations : attribution and abstraction
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Factors affecting supervisors' enactment of interpersonal fairness : the interactive relationship between their managers' informational fairness and supervisors' sense of power
Antecedents and consequences of collective psychological ownership : the validation of a conceptual model
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Why seeking feedback from diverse sources may not be sufficient for stimulating creativity : the role of performance dynamism and creative time pressure
Maturation of work attitudes: correlated change with Big Five personality traits and reciprocal effects over 15 years
Personality across working life: the longitudinal and reciprocal influences of personality on work
Multiple categorization in resume screening: examining effects on hiring discrimination against Arab applicants in field and lab settings
Predicting Applicants' Job Pursuit Behavior from their Selection Expectations: The Mediating Role of the Theory of Planned Behavior.