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Preliminary report on the faunal remains from layer 1B-GRH at Scladina Cave (Prov. Namur, BE)
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- open access
Report on the latest excavation campaigns at Grotte de La Faucille, Sclayn (BE) : new radiocarbon dates for a better understanding of burial practice during the Final Neolithic
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- open access
A new Final Neolithic charcoal-rich pit feature and Mesolithic/ Neolithic artefacts from Outer-Stuypenberg (Ninove, East-Flanders, BE)
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The prehistoric pottery from Melsele Hof ten Damme (East Flanders, BE)
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Sporen van neolithische bewoning aan de Kasteelstraat te Gaasbeek (Vlaams-Brabant, BE)
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Some new radiocarbon dates on bone and antler artefacts from the Scheldt basin
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Holocene vegetation evolution in the Kleine Nete Valley in Herentals Bruggenbeemd (Antwerp, BE)
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(Middle) Palaeolithic finds from the Argex quarry at Kruibeke (East Flanders, Belgium)
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Oral health and childhood stress during the Final Neolithic in Grotte de la Faucille (Sclayn, BE)
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- open access
First insights into the use of lithcis actefacts from the Mesolothic site of Liège 'Place Saint Lambert' (unit 3.2, SDT sector) (BE)