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Land cover mapping in urban environments using hyperspectral APEX data : a study case in Baden, Switzerland
A robust Multi-Band Water Index (MBWI) for automated extraction of surface water from Landsat 8 OLI imagery
Fusion of pixel and object-based features for weed mapping using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery
Assessing the relationship between microwave vegetation optical depth and gross primary production
Pinpointing areas of increased soil erosion risk following land cover change in the Lake Manyara catchment, Tanzania
Influence of neighbourhood information on ‘Local Climate Zone’ mapping in heterogeneous cities
Extracting cross sections and water levels of vegetated ditches from LiDAR point clouds
On the importance of satellite observed soil moisture: preface
Recent advances in (soil moisture) triple collocation analysis
Improving terrestrial evaporation estimates over continental Australia through assimilation of SMOS soil moisture