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Do money and guilt primes affect the likelihood of theft by taking? Findings from a visualized scenario study
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Criminological scoping reviews as part of a student assignment : methodological considerations
Causation, inferences, and solution types in configurational comparative methods
Tim Haesebrouck (UGent) and Eva Thomann -
Polarizing policy opinions with conflict framed information : activating negative views of political parties in a multi-party system
Introduction : causation, inferences, and solution types in configurational comparative methods
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
An alternative update of the two-step QCA procedure
Surveying individual political elites : a comparative three-country study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Critical appraisal of mixed methods research studies in a systematic scoping review on plural policing. Assessing the impact of excluding inadequately reported studies by means of a sensitivity analysis
Is extreme response style domain specific? Findings from two studies in four countries
Assessment of the cross-national validity of an End-anchored 9-point hedonic product liking scale