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Modelling three-dimensional fungal growth in response to environmental stimuli
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Suction power output and the inertial cost of rotating the neurocranium to generate suction in fish
The impact of initial evenness on biodiversity maintenance for a four-species in silico bacterial community
vRNA structured population model for Hepatitis C Virus dynamics
Effects of snout dimensions on the hydrodynamics of suction feeding in juvenile and adult seahorses
Environmentally induced mechanical feedback in locomotion: frog performance as a model
An experimental and modelling exploration of the host-sanction hypothesis in legume-rhizobia mutualism
Impact of antimicrobial usage on the transmission dynamics of antimicrobial resistant bacteria among pigs
Engineers have more sons, nurses have more daughters: an evolutionary psychological extension of Baron-Cohen's extreme male brain theory of autism
High variation in developmental instability under non-normal developmental error: A Bayesian perspective