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Meshfree method for large deformation analysis without domain re-mesh: A nonlinear scheme based on stabilized collocation method
Diffusion and dissipation in acoustic propagation simulation by convection-pressure split algorithms in all Mach number form
A combined momentum-interpolation and advection upstream splitting pressure-correction algorithm for simulation of convective and acoustic transport at all levels of Mach number
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Stability analysis of a partitioned iterative method for steady free surface flow
- Journal Article
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An in-depth stability analysis of nonuniform FDTD combined with novel local implicitization techniques
Godunov-type schemes with an inertia term for unsteady full Mach number range flow calculations
Solving low Mach number Riemann problems by a momentum interpolation method
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A Calderón multiplicative preconditioner for the electromagnetic Poincaré-Steklov operator of a heterogeneous domain with scattering applications
Semi-implicit characteristic-based boundary treatment for acoustics in low Mach number flows
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
An unconditionally stable time-domain discretization on cartesian meshes for the simulation of nonuniform magnetized cold plasma