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Associations between social anxiety, physiological reactivity, and speech disfluencies in autistic young adults and controls
Delay frustration in children who do and do not stutter : a preliminary study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Immediate effects of a semi-occluded water-resistance ventilation mask on vocal outcomes in women with dysphonia
The effect of age on the hearing-related quality of life in normal-hearing adults
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Development of the hearing-related quality of life questionnaire for auditory-visual, cognitive and psychosocial functioning (hAVICOP)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Temperament, anxiety, and depression in school-age children who stutter
Better speech outcomes after very early palatal repair? A longitudinal case-control study in Ugandan children with cleft palate
Listeners’ attitudes towards voice disorders : an interaction between auditory and visual stimuli
Long-term voice quality outcome after thyroidectomy without laryngeal nerve injury : a prospective 10 year follow up study
The promise of self-determination theory to study the therapist-client relationship in speech-language treatment