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Manual versus deep learning measurements to evaluate cumulus expansion of bovine oocytes and its relationship with embryo development in vitro
Simplification strategies for a patient-specific CFD model of particle transport during liver radioembolization
Hemodynamics and wall shear metrics in a pulmonary autograft : comparing a fluid-structure interaction and computational fluid dynamics approach
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- open access
Drug transport modeling in solid tumors : a computational exploration of spatial heterogeneity of biophysical properties
- Journal Article
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- open access
Segmentation of endothelial cells of the cornea from the distance map of confocal microscope images
- Journal Article
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- open access
Directed graph mapping exceeds phase mapping in discriminating true and false rotors detected with a basket catheter in a complex in-silico excitation pattern
Logistic index for keratoconus detection and severity scoring (Logik)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Mixed impact of torsion on LV hemodynamics : a CFD study based on the Chimera technique
Left atrial appendage segmentation from 3D CCTA images for occluder placement procedure
Machine learning based brain tumour segmentation on limited data using local texture and abnormality