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Hoofdstuk 1. Een heldere kijk op artificieĢle intelligentie, machinelearning en Large Language Models
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Exploiting signal propagation delays to match task memory requirements in reservoir computing
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Machine translation from signed to spoken languages : state of the art and challenges
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Machine translation from signed to spoken languages : state of the art and challenges (01 Apr, 10.1007/s10209-023-00992-1, 2023)
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
A photonics perspective on computing with physical substrates
Sign languages as source language for machine translation : historical overview and challenges
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Memory-non-linearity trade-off in distance-based delay networks
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Querying a sign language dictionary with videos using dense vector search
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
An homeostatic activity-dependent structural plasticity algorithm for richer input combination
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Delay-sensitive local plasticity in echo state networks