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The ALMA REBELS survey : epoch of reionization giants : properties of dusty galaxies at z ≈ 7
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Molecular gas masses of gamma-ray burst host galaxies
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Candidate high-z protoclusters among the Planck compact sources, as revealed by Herschel-SPIRE
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The Herschel Bright Sources (HerBS) : sample definition and SCUBA-2 observations
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VALES, II : the physical conditions of interstellar gas in normal star-forming galaxies up to z = 0.2 revealed by ALMA
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VALES, III : the calibration between the dust continuum and interstellar gas content of star-forming galaxies
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VALES, I : the molecular gas content in star-forming dusty H-ATLAS galaxies up to z = 0.35
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The Herschel-ATLAS : a sample of 500 μm-selected lensed galaxies over 600 deg2
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GRB 980425 host: [C II], [O I], and CO lines reveal recent enhancement of star formation due to atomic gas inflow
The ionized gas in nearby galaxies as traced by the [NII] 122 and 205 µm transitions