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Quality of end-of-life nursing home care in dementia : relatives’ perceptions
Experiences with advance care planning in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : qualitative longitudinal study with people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and their family carers
Wat zijn de ervaringen van personen met amyotrofische laterale sclerose (ALS) en hun mantelzorgers met vroegtijdige zorgplanning?
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Self-efficacy of advanced cancer patients for participation in treatment-related decision-making in six European countries : the ACTION study
Advance care planning : family carer psychological distress and involvement in decision making : the ACTION trial
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Healthcare use and healthcare costs for patients with advanced cancer : the international ACTION cluster-randomised trial on advance care planning
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Advance care planning in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) : study protocol for a qualitative longitudinal study with persons with ALS and their family carers
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Development of an advance directive ’communication tool’ relevant for patients with advanced cancer in six European countries : experiences from the ACTION trial
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Systematic translation and adaptation of the FOCUS program, a USA-based supportive intervention for persons with cancer and their family caregivers, for use in six European countries
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Effectiveness of a nurse-delivered (FOCUS+) and a web-based (iFOCUS) psychoeducational intervention for people with advanced cancer and their family caregivers (DIAdIC) : study protocol for an international randomized controlled trial