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Epidemiology and age-related mortality in critically ill patients with intra-abdominal infection or sepsis : an international cohort study
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Noninvasive ventilation in COVID-19 patients aged ≥ 70 years : a prospective multicentre cohort study
Increased 30-day mortality in very old ICU patients with COVID-19 compared to patients with respiratory failure without COVID-19
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Health-related quality of life in older patients surviving ICU treatment for COVID-19 : results from an international observational study of patients older than 70 years
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Provision of critical care for the elderly in Europe : a retrospective comparison of national healthcare frameworks in intensive care units
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Taskforce report on the diagnosis and clinical management of COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis
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Antimicrobial lessons from a large observational cohort on intra-abdominal infections in intensive care units
Frailty is associated with long-term outcome in patients with sepsis who are over 80 years old : results from an observational study in 241 European ICUs
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- open access
Epidemiology of intra-abdominal infection and sepsis in critically ill patients : 'AbSeS', a multinational observational cohort study and ESICM Trials Group Project