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The effects of discourse coherence on the persistence of sentence structures
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Effects of lexical cues on phrase structure encoding : evidence from the production of genitives in Dutch
The effect of animacy on structural priming : a replication of Bock, Loebell and Morey (1992)
Phonological, lexical, and discourse effects on the production of sentence structure : evidence from structural priming
(2021) -
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Are there segmental and tonal effects on syntactic encoding? Evidence from structural priming in Mandarin
Identification of conservation priorities in the major basins of Central Asia : using an integrated GIS-based ordered weighted averaging approach
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Coupled SSPs-RCPs scenarios to project the future dynamic variations of water-soil-carbon-biodiversity services in Central Asia
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The role of explicit memory in syntactic persistence : effects of lexical cueing and load on sentence memory and sentence production
Large-scale rain-fed to paddy farmland conversion modified land-surface thermal properties in Cold China
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The responses of the ecosystems in the Tianshan North Slope under multiple representative concentration pathway scenarios in the middle of the 21st Century