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Wie zijn jeugdige veelplegers? Een onderzoek naar aantallen en kenmerken op basis van politieregistraties en zelfrapportage
Explaining individual changes in moral values and moral emotions among adolescent boys and girls : a fixed-effects analysis
When is speding time with peers related to delinquency? The importance of where, what, and with whom
Adolescent delinquency and diversity in behavior settings
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Social disorganization, social capital, collective efficacy and the spatial distribution of crime and offenders
Situational causes of offending: a fixed-effects analysis of space-time budget data
Perceived sanction risk, individual propensity and adolescent offending: assessing key findings from the deterrence literature in a Dutch sample
Criminaliteit, migratie en etniciteit: nieuwe richtingen binnen een complex en beladen onderzoeksterrein