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Do teachers use distinct motivational styles for cognitively gifted learners? The role of effectiveness beliefs, fixed mindset, and misconceptions about giftedness
When insecure self-worth drains students’ energy : academic contingent self-esteem and parents’ and teachers’ perceived conditional regard as predictors of school burnout
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The how and the why of study choice processes in higher education : the role of parental involvement and the experience of having an authentic inner compass
Kunnen maar niet willen? Onderpresteren bij cognitief sterk functionerende leerlingen
Help! Een begaafde leerling in mijn klas
Snel van start : vroege predictoren van cognitieve begaafdheid bij kleuters
Does motivation predict changes in academic achievement beyond intelligence and personality? A multitheoretical perspective
Promoting engagement among gifted underachieving adolescents : a mixed method single case design
Do teachers motivate cognitively gifted learners in a different way? The role of effectiveness, entity, and giftedness beliefs
Cognitief talent in Vlaanderen : wat weten we?