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- Journal Article
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ETF Basket-Adjusted Covariance estimation
Win-for-life met de tontine
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The optimal payoff for a Yaari investor
- Book Chapter
- open access
Academici in actie voor een comfortabel pensioen in België : vijf lessen en een oproep aan de VUB
The variance implied conditional correlation
The minimum regularized covariance determinant estimator
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Optimal portfolio choice with benchmarks
Block rearranging elements within matrix columns to minimize the variability of the row sums
Actuarial and financial mathematics conference: interplay between finance and insurance, February 5-6, 2015
Michèle Vanmaele (UGent) , Griselda Deelstra, Ann De Schepper, Jan Dhaene, Wim Schoutens, Steven Vanduffel and David Vyncke (UGent)(2015) -
Actuarial and financial mathematics conference : interplay between finance and insurance, February 6-7, 2014
Michèle Vanmaele (UGent) , Griselda Deelstra, Ann De Schepper, Jan Dhaene, Wim Schoutens, Steven Vanduffel and David Vyncke (UGent)(2014)