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Niet-inheemse soorten van het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en aanpalende estuaria
L Vandepitte, D De Pooter, Anne-Catherine Lescrauwaet (UGent) , N Fockedey and Jan Mees (UGent)(2012) 59. -
How the integration of marine ecological data from different sources can create added value to data and science
Non-indigenous species of the Belgian part of the North Sea and adjacent estuaries
Aphia for a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)
Large scale patterns in harpacticoid copepods diversity: exploring the Manuela data base
European sustainability indicators for the coastal zone of the Netherlands: a first inventory
A field colonization experiment with meiofauna and seagrass mimics: effect of time, distance and leaf surface area