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Expertenpanel inzake interlandelijke adoptie : eindrapport
(2021) -
To hear or not to hear : reasoning of judges regarding the hearing of the child in international child abduction proceedings
Understanding the best interests of the child in EU Child Abduction Proceedings : perspectives from the case law
Haal het parlement uit quarantaine
Children's rights : a commentary on the convention on the rights of the child and its protocols
(2019) In Elgar Commentaries -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Conversations between children and judges in child abduction cases in Belgium and the Netherlands
(2019) FAMILY & LAW. -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The Voice of the Child in International Child Abduction Proceedings in Europe : work stream 2 : case law results
(2019) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Enhancing the wellbeing of children before, during and after legal proceedings of international child abduction
(2019) -
Giving a VOICE to the child's best interests : an analysis of case law in the field of international child abduction
- Book Chapter
- open access
Children’s rights law and human rights law : analysing present and possible future interactions