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The Last Termination in the South Indian Ocean: a unique terrestrial record from Kerguelen Islands (49°S) situated within the Southern Hemisphere westerly belt
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Terrestrial and submarine evidence for the extent and timing of the Last Glacial Maximum and the onset of deglaciation on the maritime-Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A community-based geological reconstruction of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglaciation since the Last Glacial Maximum
Subantarctic peatlands and their potential as palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic archives
Is palynology a credible climate proxy in the Subantarctic?
Pachnobium dreuxi n. g., n. sp., ses occurrences modernes et fossiles sur l’archipel Crozet (Coléoptère Curculionidae Ectemnorrhininae)
Subantarctic flowering plants: pre-glacial survivors or post-glacial immigrants?
A divergent timing of Holocene climate events in the sub-Antarctic based on palaeoecological evidence.
(2009) -
Peat bank growth, Holocene palaeoecology and climate history of South Georgia (sub-Antarctica), based on a botanical macrofossil record
Paléoécologie et paléoclimatologie des îles sub-Antarctiques pour la période post-pléniglaciaire