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Lower persistence of anti-nucleocapsid compared to anti-spike antibodies up to one year after SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Impact of heat waves on hospitalisation and mortality in nursing homes : a case-crossover study
Self-management among community-dwelling people with chronic conditions : adapting evidence-based group programs using intervention mapping
Reorganisatie van de eerstelijnszorg in Vlaanderen : aandachtspunten op weg naar meer patiëntgerichte zorg
Wat leerden we uit 5 jaar zorgtrajecten chronische nierinsufficiëntie?
A high sense of coherence as protection against adverse health outcomes in patients aged 80 years and older
Empowerment en zelfmanagement bij hartfalen : implementatie in de praktijk
Multimorbiditeit: een complex fenomeen
Multimorbidity measures were poor predictors of adverse events in patients aged ≥80 years: a prospective cohort study