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- Journal Article
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- open access
Cardiorespiratory information dynamics during mental arithmetic and sustained attention
Interictal cardiorespiratory variability in temporal lobe and absence epilepsy in childhood
Information dynamics in cardiorespiratory analyses: application to controlled breathing
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Multiple sparse volumetric priors for distributed EEG source reconstruction
Bayesian model selection of template forward models for EEG source reconstruction
Detecting rare events using extreme value statistics applied to epileptic convulsions in children
Accelerometry-based home monitoring for detection of nocturnal hypermotor seizures based on novelty detection
International conference on fractional signals and systems
Clara-Mihaela Ionescu (UGent) , Dana Copot (UGent) , Cosmin Copot (UGent) , Amélie Chevalier (UGent) , Robain De Keyser (UGent) , Gerd Vandersteen and Sabine Van Huffel(2013) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Comparison of BEM and FDM head modeling in SPM for EEG source reconstruction based on free energy
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Influence of volume conductor model errors on EEG dipole source localization in neonates