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- Journal Article
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The complexity of police decisions : a collaborative study on police decision-making in Belgium
- PhD Thesis
- open access
The role of procedural justice in the relationship between the police and citizens
(2017) -
The impact of police contact on trust and police legitimacy in Belgium.
How to measure procedurally (un)just behavior during police-citizen interactions
Systematic social observation in de studie van politie-burger interacties
Guest editorial Police legitimacy: an introduction
Police legitimacy
Antoinette Verhage (UGent) , Anjuli Van Damme and Jannie Noppe (UGent) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Why are young adults willing to cooperate with the police and comply with traffic laws?
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The impact of police contact on trust and police legitimacy in Belgium
(2015) p.72-73 -
De invloed van contactervaring op vertrouwen en politielegitimiteit in Gent