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Effect of ensilaged vegetable crop residue amendments on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics
Si Trench Around Drain (STAD) technology of GaN-DHFETs on Si substrate for boosting power performance
Small Business - Solutions for Extreme Situations
(2001) -
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae: cost to benefit of vaccination.
Evaluating the performance of meat product wholesaling in Belgium: case study
The internationalisation of small and medium sized food and drink firms
Impakt van het vergunningenbeleid op de Vlaamse pluimveehouderij. VEPEK, Gent, 18 p.
Toekomst van de veevoederhandelaar. RUG, Vakgroep Landbouweconomie, September 1994,166 p.
How do animal health products contribute to economic and environmentallyfriendly livestock fanning. RUG, Department Agricultural Economics, September 1994,25 p.
Kosten/baten analyse van mestverwerking. RUG, Vakgroep Land bouweconomie, in opdracht van het Comité voor Onderzoek van Mestverwerkingssystemen, december 1994,71 p.