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The Effect of the Particle Size Distribution on Flow Resistance and Band Broadening in Columns Packed with sub 2micro-m Particles
Emulsion-stabilizing properties of whey protein-pectin conjugates
The influence of dynamic surface tension on atomisation and retention of pesticides.
The influence of dynamic surface tension on atomisation and retention of pesticides.
Phospholipid analysis by HPLC
Capabilities and lim nations of the electrophoretic light scattering technique in liposome characterisation
Auteurs van hoofdstuk 7 getiteld 'Phospholipid analysis by HPLC
Particle Sizing of Liposomal Dispersions: a critical evaluation of some quasi-elastic light-scattering data-analysis software analysis. Journal of Li posome Research, 1992, 2,23-42.
Comparison between the chamber and micrometeorological method for determination of ammonia emission
Lichtverstrooiing door kleine sferische deeltjes : de Mie theorie