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Accrual accounting reforms in governments: going back where we belong?
Boekhoudhervorming in de Vlaamse OCMW’s (NOB): wat zijn de 'resultaten'?
Boekhoudkundige verwerking van erfpacht, opstal en vruchtgebruik in non-profitorganisaties deel 2
Boekhoudkundige verwerking van erfpacht, opstal en vruchtgebruik in non-profitorganisaties deel 1
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
CARD15 gene polymorphisms in patients with spondyloarthropathies identify a specific phenotype previously related to Crohn's disease
CARD15 mutations in patients with spondyloarthropathy are linked with disease progression and evolution to Crohn's disease
Association between ASCA-positivity and carrier of a CARD-15 mutation in patients with Crohn's disease