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Evaluation of an interactive computer-tailored nutrition intervention in a real-life setting
Knee-simulator for the analysis of patello-femoral forces
Introduction of assistive devices: home nurses' practices and beliefs
Evaluation of a 2-year physical activity and healthy eating intervention in middle school children
Body mass effects of a physical activity and healthy food intervention in middle schools
Interventions against bullying in Flemish schools: programme development and evaluation
Impact van het computeronderwijs in land- en/of tuinbouwscholen op het gebruik van de computer in de latere beroepspraktijk. D.L.O.-Mededelingen, 12(37), 1993, pp. 7-31.
Gezondheidspromotie op school. Hoofdstuk 7. Gezondheidspromotie 2001: 10 jaar Gezondheidspromotie in Vlaanderen.