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- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Early recognition and access to terminal complement blockers in patients with atypical HUS significantly improves their outcome : a case report
Early recognotion and access to terminal complement blockers in patients with atypical HUs significantly improves their outcome : a case report
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Impact of new versus old International Children's Continence Society standardization on the classification of treatment naïve enuresis children at screening : the value of voiding diaries and questionnaires
Is there a place for diet adjustment in standardurotherapy in enuresis
Validation of 24 h urinary concentration prophyle against diary to identify characteristics of nocturnal polyuria
Zin of onzin van urotherapie bij enuresis
Predictive value of urinary osmolality in the early morning for desmopressin response
Bladder volume in screening battery for enuresis : how to evaluate?
Therapy-resistant enuresis in adolescents, when sport activity in the evening
Limited role for diet advice as first line urotherapy in schildren with primary enuresis