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Differentiation of the microstructures of agarose hydrogels using terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Ultra-high-resolution UAV-based detection of Alternaria solani infections in potato fields
Multivariate analysis of industrial biorefinery processes : strategy for improved process understanding with case studies in fatty acid production
Evolution of the bulk optical properties of bovine muscles during wet aging
Farm-specific economic value of automatic lameness detection systems in dairy cattle : from concepts to operational simulations
Method for short-term prediction of milk yield at the quarter level to improve udder health monitoring
Online warning systems for individual fattening pigs based on their feeding pattern
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Supporting the development and adoption of automatic lameness detection systems in dairy cattle : effect of system cost and performance on potential market shares
Automatically measured variables related to tenderness of hoof placement and weight distribution are valuable indicators for lameness in dairy cows
Automatic cow lameness detection with a pressure mat : effects of mat CD length and sensor resolution