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First insights into the archaeometric analysis of the Los Amores Mosaic in Cástulo (Linares, Spain) : the Judgement of Paris
- Journal Article
- A1
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Influence of different stabilization systems and multiple ultraviolet A (UVA) aging/recycling steps on physicochemical, mechanical, colorimetric, and thermal-oxidative properties of ABS
A comparative mobile Raman study for the on field analysis of the Mosaico de los Amores of the Cástulo Archaeological Site (Linares, Spain)
Comparison of the performance of two handheld XRF instruments in the study of Roman tesserae from Cástulo (Linares, Spain)
Project Cástulo (Linares, Spain) : archaeometric approach by MRS, EDXRF, hXRF and GC-MS
Micro-Raman spectroscopy on Iberian archaeological materials