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Quantifying the impact of induced topsoil and historical subsoil compaction as well as the persistence of subsoiling
Detecting spatial variability of soil compaction using soil apparent electrical conductivity and maize traits
Assessing the consequences of policy measures on long-term agricultural productivity – Quantification for Flanders
Short-term effects of cover crops and tillage methods on soil physical properties and maize growth in a sandy loam soil
Effects of soil wetness and tyre pressure on soil physical quality and maize growth by a slurry spreader system
Opportunities and barriers to on-farm composting and compost application: a case study from northwestern Europe
The long term use of farmyard manure and compost : effects on P availability, orthophosphate sorption strength and P leaching
The legality of biochar use : regulatory requirements and risk assessment
Farm compost amendment and non-inversion tillage improve soil quality without increasing the risk for N and P leaching
P availability and P leaching after reducing the mineral P fertilization and the use of digestate products as new organic fertilizers in a 4-year field trial with high P status