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- Journal Article
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Minority stress, resilience, and health in Italian and Taiwanese LGB+ people : a cross-cultural comparison
The contribution of school safety to weight-related health behaviors for transgender youth
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Helicopter mothers and helicopter fathers : Italian adaptation and validation of the Helicopter Parenting Instrument
Sexual prejudice in sport scale : a new measure
Attitudes and beliefs of Italian educators and teachers regarding children raised by same-sex parents
Coming out in family and sports-related contexts among young Italian gay and lesbian athletes : the mediation effect of the 'don't ask, don't tell' attitude
The role of peer victimization, sexual identity, and gender on unhealthy weight control behaviors in a representative sample of Texas youth
Attitude of Italian gay men and Italian lesbian women towards gay and lesbian gender-typed scenarios
Sexism and attitudes toward same-sex parenting in a sample of heterosexuals and sexual minorities : the mediation effect of sexual stigma
Coming out to siblings and internalized sexual stigma : the moderating role of gender in a sample of Italian participants