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Associations between household food environment and daily intake of regular and diet soft drinks per BMI status of European children : Feel4Diabetes Study
Role of parenting practices and digital media on beverage intake in European schoolchildren of different weight status : Feel4Diabetes-study
Parental BMI and country classification by Gross National Income are stronger determinants of prospective BMI deterioration compared to perinatal risk factors at pre-adolescence : Feel4Diabetes study
Associations between soft-drink consumption and lifestyle patterns in overweight and obese European adults : Feel4 Diabetes study
How do the home food environment, parenting practices, health beliefs, and screen time affect the weight status of European children? The Feel4Diabetes-study
Socioeconomic vulnerabilities and food intake in European children : the Feel4Diabetes study
Fathers' daily intake of fruit and vegetables is positively associated with children's fruit and vegetable consumption patterns in Europe : the Feel4Diabetes study