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Comparing symptom ratings by staff and family carers in residents dying in long-term care facilities in three European countries, results from a PACE survey
Commonalities and differences in legal euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in three countries : a population-level comparison
Opioid underuse in terminal care of long-term care facility residents with pain and/or dyspnoea : a cross-sectional PACE-survey in six European countries
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- open access
Palliative care implementation in long-term care facilities : European Association for Palliative Care white paper
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Opioid, antipsychotic and hypnotic use in end of life in long-term care facilities in six European countries : results of PACE
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A framework for cross-cultural development and implementation of complex interventions to improve palliative care in nursing homes : the PACE steps to success programme
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Dying in long-term care facilities in Europe : the PACE epidemiological study of deceased residents in six countries
- Journal Article
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- open access
Evaluating the implementation of the PACE Steps to Success Programme in long-term care facilities in seven countries according to the RE-AIM framework
Agreement of nursing home staff with palliative care principles : a PACE cross-sectional study among nurses and care assistants in five European countries
Differences in primary palliative care between people with organ failure and people with cancer : an international mortality follow-back study using quality indicators