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Mind-wandering in Parkinson's disease hallucinations reflects primary visual and default network coupling
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Changes in structural network topology correlate with severity of hallucinatory behavior in Parkinson's disease
Cognitive training for freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease : a randomized controlled trial
Visual hallucinations are characterized by impaired sensory evidence accumulation : insights from Hierarchical drift diffusion modeling in Parkinson’s disease
Dysfunction in attentional processing in patients with Parkinson’s disease and visual hallucinations
Diffusion alterations associated with Parkinson's disease symptomatology : a review of the literature
Brain activation underlying turning in Parkinson’s disease patients with and without freezing of gait: a virtual reality fMRI study
Freezing of gait and its associations in the early and advanced clinical motor stages of Parkinson’s disease : a cross-sectional study
Impaired cognitive control in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait in response to cognitive load
Antisaccade errors reveal cognitive control deficits in Parkinson’s disease with freezing of gait