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- Journal Article
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An effective approach for VARANS-VOF modelling interactions of wave and perforated breakwater using gradient boosting decision tree algorithm
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
An effective approach to calibrate numerical modelling of wave interaction with thin perforated plate using data-driven method
Numerical study on wave forces and overtopping over various seawall structures using advanced SPH-based method
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Three-dimensional meshfree analysis of interlocking concrete blocks for step seawall structure
Stabilization for equal-order polygonal finite element method for high fluid velocity and pressure gradient
A coupled SPH-FEM for fluid-structures interaction problem with free-surface and revetment slope thin-walled structures
A high-order mixed polygonal finite element for incompressible Stokes flow analysis
Size-dependent analysis for FG-CNTRC nanoplates based on refined plate theory and modified couple stress
Numerical simulations of precast thin-walled concrete blocks forming coastal structure
Three-dimensional analysis of an innovative hollow concrete block of interlocking revetment