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Introducing design thinking through game-design to pre- and in-service teachers
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Too digital, too fast? An analysis of the inclusivity of service delivery in the banking sector in Belgium
Excluded from essential internet services : examining associations between digital exclusion, socio-economic resources and internet resources
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Extending the third level of digital divide by applying a capability approach : who is unable to reach basic needs through the internet?
Examining differences in internet use aspects among people with intellectual disabilities in Flanders
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Digitale ongelijkheid in Vlaanderen : een vergelijkend onderzoek tussen kwetsbare en niet kwetsbare mensen
(2021) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Best practices for interdisciplinary research supporting the development of digital games for personal empowerment and social inclusion
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Best practices for deploying digital games for personal empowerment and social inclusion
Kwantitatief onderzoek en kwetsbare groepen: naar het representatief insluiten van verborgen of moeilijk bereikbare groepen
The potential of digital games for empowerment of groups at risk of social and economic exclusion: evidence and opportunity for policy. [1] Report commissioned by the European Commission and prepared by the Institute for Prospective Technologies (IPTS) in collaboration with iMinds.