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Exploring interactions between sex, pain characteristics, disability, and quality of life in people with chronic spinal pain : a structural equation model
- Journal Article
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- open access
The role of anxiety and depression in shaping the sleep-pain connection in patients with nonspecific chronic spinal pain and comorbid insomnia : a cross-sectional analysis
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- open access
Do patients with chronic spinal pain and comorbid insomnia have more features of central sensitization? A case-control study
The impact of parental presence on their children during painful medical procedures : a systematic review
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The effect of a pain educational video upon child pain-related memory and the moderating role of parental pain- and non-pain-attending verbalizations : an experimental lab-based study
Influence of education level on the effectiveness of pain neuroscience education : a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
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- open access
Combining cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and chronic spinal pain within physical therapy : a practical guide for the implementation of an integrated approach
Predictors for physical activity and its change after active physical therapy in people with spinal pain and insomnia : secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The effect of a pain educational video intervention upon child pain-related outcomes : a randomized controlled study
Influence of baseline kinesiophobia levels on treatment outcome in people with chronic spinal pain